
Difference Between Allergy And Common Cold Symptoms


Dr. Dat Q. Tran on ABC Channel 13 Health Check explaining the difference between allergy and common cold symptoms. TESTIMONIAL Dr. Tran is an amazing doctor. He has helped me go from dreading going outdoors to enjoying my time outside. I used to take 3 allergy shots twice [...]

Difference Between Allergy And Common Cold Symptoms2021-11-29T07:48:17+00:00

Is Drinking Raw Milk Safe?


Dr. Dat Q. Tran with Melissa Wilson on Fox 26 News Health Watch discussing the risk and benefit of drinking raw milk. Raw versus Pasteurized Milk Given the rise in allergic diseases, particularly milk allergy, proponents of raw milk advocate that it provides beneficial nutrition including good bacteria (probiotics). Consuming [...]

Is Drinking Raw Milk Safe?2021-11-28T22:29:43+00:00
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